Empower YOU Books

What comes to mind when you think of YOGA? Is it intense poses, calming meditations, or tight form fitting yoga clothing that has engulfed the fitness world? Yoga is none of these things. No matter your shape, size or background, yoga can benefit everyone. You do not have to be an athlete or a master at mindfulness to begin to explore yoga. You can begin NOW!

“How Yoga Empowered My Life,” is composed of nine powerful stories of how yoga completely shifted their path. How it allowed for opportunities to learn to live in the present and how the practice of yoga is a way of living, not a daily exercise class. When you begin to explore yoga you quickly find there is something much deeper.

Does your mind go a mile a minute constantly stressing over everything in your life from work to relationships to your self worth? Is it constantly keeping you stuck in the endless cycle of not feeling good enough? Believe it or not this heightened anxiety that you feel is more common than you think. You are not alone in your struggles with the constant babble in your mind. This book gives you 6 strategies to train your mind for peace and purpose.

You will learn how simple shifts in your daily patterns will transform your life completely when you commit to breaking the toxic patterns that have kept you stuck and on an endless hamster wheel of heightened anxiety and stress.

Today is the day you let go of what is holding you back! Are you going through something and feel completely alone? Do you struggle with your feelings of self-worth and don’t know how to break out of your depressive cycle? Do you want to feel joy and meaning in your every day life? If you answer yes to any of these questions then this workbook is for you.

So many of us know all of these feelings all too well because we have live through them daily. Start today and reconnect with how gifted and special you truly are and to finally embrace your gifts. No matter what you are going through. You have the power within yourself to shift everything in your life.

If you lived in true inspiration what would that look like? What is something that you have always wanted to do yet circumstance held you back? What steps could you take today to begin on the path of bringing inspiration into your daily life? So much of the way we view our lives is based on how we choose to look at things. If you want to live in an inspirational vibration you can! It will take a bit of work and won’t always be easy. You will be forced to take a deep inner look at yourself and be willing to break patterns that have kept you stuck. In the end it will be so worth it.

This book focuses on 5 mindful activities to will help you learn to live in true inspiration while calming your mind and easing the stress and anxiety in your life.

Do you think of yourself as a creative person? Creativity is not just about painting and drawing. We all have our unique creative gifts that are attached to our dharma. Learn how your dharma guides you to, “your life’s purpose.” Begin to understand how to connect to your true calling and what you were put here to do. Through the mindful activities in this book.

Do you know what your dharma is? Often people will know their calling yet simultaneously know that they are not doing it. It is not our knowing that holds us back but society’s views of what it means to be successful that holds people back from doing what they truly love. Learn 5 simple ways to live each day as a new creative you through diving into your soul’s purpose.

Breaking free to a new creative you is not about recreating who you are. It is about recreating how you view yourself and finding that hidden power that has been inside of you this entire time. That is exactly what this book will help you do.

It is time to learn to shift your perspective, learn about your patterns and how they are affecting you. This involves learning to set healthy boundaries and to step into your power by speaking your truth. When life feels a too hard to cope there are also simple breathing techniques that you can do in the moment to calm your mind and ease your soul. Learn 5 simple ways to break free and heal your life through.