Empower Yourself: Rethink What it Means to Be Educated

Seeking collaborators who want to empower others through their journey to “Rethink What it Means to be Educated!”
As a teacher, I find the restrictions of the system makes many students who are so unbelievably talented just barely make it through because what the system “evaluates” does not align with their gifts (even as early as elementary school, which is where I have taught for my entire career). I was always really good at school but many of my friends barely made it through high school yet went on to become very successful.
Let’s shift the conditioning that only looks at a few key areas of “intelligence.” What is it that makes you “successful” and how do we determine “success.”
School is very different from true “education.” Now more than ever we can see the cracks of what is failing and need to “Rethink” how we educate and empower others.
Let’s drive the change together! Book a conversation with me about your journey to success.