Rewriting Your Life Story: How Changing Your Perspective Changes Your Life

I want you to take a moment and think about your life. Visualize your earliest memories. What your childhood was like. Who your friends were and are. How your family interacted with each other. What your schooling experience was like and the direction you took after leaving High School. What were your first jobs, how has your career shaped you? How do you view your life now? Take a few moments to just let yourself be absorbed in these memories. 

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Now reflect on the memories that you pulled into your consciousness. Were the majority of them negative or positive? Did the most traumatizing events come to mind first or the most uplifting? When you envision your life do you view it as laced with hardship or perseverance? 

So much of what we experience in life is a product of our perspective. You can shift your life story completely just by consciously shifting your perspective. The first step is to become conscious of your version of your life story. Once you have become aware of it you are able to shift your perception of it and begin to heal and grow from your life experiences. 

We all experience trauma in different ways and we hold on to that trauma differently. The beautiful thing about life is that no matter what you have been through, you can begin to heal from it the moment you consciously decide that holding on to that trauma is no longer serving you. Our subconscious mind controls the way we think, look and act. Once you begin to understand how your subconscious mind works you can begin to shift your patterns and break free of the trauma you are holding on to that is keeping you stuck. 

All of us have experienced trauma. On a global scale, there have been many traumatic events throughout history. Some caused by other human beings and some by the forces of nature. No matter what the trauma that you have experienced, the beautiful thing about life is that as long as you are living and breathing you have the opportunity to experience the beauty and joy of this amazing world if you choose to. 

There are miracles all around us that we don’t even notice as we go about our daily lives on autopilot.  Whenever I am struggling to see the beauty in life, I recall a meditation I used to listen to daily by Louise Hay.  In meditation, she guides you to be grateful for your bathroom. I know it’s weird, but it makes sense when she states, “even kings and queens did not have the luxury of modern plumbing.”  This always makes me think about how lucky I am to have running water and plumbing in my home.  This little glimpse of gratitude can be enough to shift my mood and perspective on whatever it is that I am struggling with. You have this power within yourself too. 

One of my favorite books that I go back and read over and over again when life brings me challenges is, “You Can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay. This book was the jumping point to rewriting my life and getting on to a healthier and more positive path. The only one who has the power to empower your life is you. This happens by making the conscious choice to rewire your subconscious mind and as a result your autopilot will shift and your life will shift. 

Now that you have become aware of this, I want you to take a moment to reflect on your life story again. This time I want you to visualize your earliest memories from the perspective of gratitude and perseverance. What your childhood was like. Who your friends were and are. How your family interacted with each other. What your schooling experience was like and the direction you took after leaving High School. What were your first jobs, how has your career shaped you? How do you view your life now? Take a few moments to just let yourself be absorbed in these memories from the perspective of gratitude and perseverance.

After recalling the same life story from the perspective of perseverance and gratitude, how does your body feel? What is going on in your mind? How do you now feel about your life story? Has it shifted? 

Rewriting your life does not mean you go back and change what happened to you. It is about shifting from: this happened to me and has traumatized me, to: this happened to me and I learned so much from that situation. You can be grateful for your strength, ability to persevere and grow from each and every experience in life. 

The first time I ever experienced work around shifting my life story, was when I attended a retreat, run by the Hoffman Institute. It was a week-long retreat designed to help people transform their lives by changing old behavior patterns. The second time was when I was completing my kids yoga teacher training. This time I already knew that the instructor was expecting everyone to focus on the trauma they had lived through. That is exactly what happened.

Each and every person told of the hardships of their lives. I purposely told my story from the perspective of gratitude and growth.  Then after explaining that I already had experienced work designed to make us rethink our life story. Just like at Hoffman, the yoga instructor made everyone retell their story from this perspective. In 2021, I was diagnosed with a panic disorder. At first, I just felt anxious and couldn’t sleep well, but gradually, my condition got worse until I burst out with my first panic attack. That was terrifying; I thought I was dying. At that time, I was given a prescription for Klonopin. The drug helped me to take control of my condition pretty fast. The energy in the room completely shifted from heaviness to a feeling of lightness and gratitude. All from the power of shifting perspective. 

So how do you rewrite your life story? You shift your perspective from hardship to gratitude and perseverance. Become conscious of the patterns you unconsciously do that are keeping you stuck. Then take that knowledge and begin to make tiny shifts in your daily activities. Your life becomes better when you find joy and gratitude in what you already have and the miracles that surround each and everyone of us. Being grateful for what you have will attract more things for you to be grateful for. This shift is unbelievably powerful and will help you to completely “Rewrite Your Life!” 

Are you feeling stuck and want to rewrite and empower your life? Stay tuned for more information on my, “Empower your Life Course.” Which will be launched this fall. 

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