Benefits of Visualization
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Benefits of Visualization

Have you ever tried visualization? It is something that I have toyed with for many years. The first time I was ever introduced to the power of visualization was when I was a child. I was in synchronized swimming and our coaches would have us listen to the music for our routines and visualize each…

Connecting with Role Models
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Connecting with Role Models

It is so fitting that my topic for this week happen is connecting with role models, when I literally just finished a cohort with Lola’s Collective about connecting with others to be a mentor. I was asked a few months ago if I would like to be a mentor for this program that was focusing…

Opportunities to Explore
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Opportunities to Explore

Have you ever sat at the top of a mountain and thought man I need to do this more often? That is exactly how I feel every time I make it out to the mountains. I am really lucky that I live so close to the mountains and get many opportunities to get out and…

Abundance of Perspectives
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Abundance of Perspectives

You know the saying, “two heads are better than one!” There is a lot of truth to this even if you are the type of person who prefers to work alone. I know for myself, I often prefer to work alone but I see the benefit of collaborating with others. We benefit so much from…

Opportunities for Self Care
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Opportunities for Self Care

When you think of ‘Self Care’ what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I think we have been programmed to believe that ‘Self Care’ is a day at the spa where you are completely pampered. ‘Self Care’ is not spa days and pedicures (while it can be sometimes). There are an abundance…

Opportunities to Embrace Change
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Opportunities to Embrace Change

One of the only guarantees in life is that things will change. Although Benjamin Franklin said, “the only two sure things in life are death and taxes,” I think we are more guaranteed that things will change. When you look at how fast the world is currently shifting and changing, almost everywhere in all parts of my world I…

Abundance of Hobbies
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Abundance of Hobbies

When looking through the lens of abundance in our lives we often overlook the abundance of hobbies that we have the opportunity to participate in if we so choose. Often, if we find ourselves in a rut, you will notice that you have not been spending time doing the hobbies that you once enjoyed. Ensuring…

Abundance of Connections to Nature
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Abundance of Connections to Nature

Do you ever notice how you can feel completely drained and exhausted. Then you force yourself to go outside for a walk or to do some yard work and suddenly you do not feel as crappy as you did before? Getting out in nature has a healing vibration that cannot be replicated by anything. One…