Abundance of Opportunities to Think Critically

How often do you really sit and think critically about what you see or hear? Critical thinking skills are an essential skill that needs to be fostered and nurtured. In my opinion, it really should be one of the main focuses of school (but sadly it is not). To learn to analyze different information and think critically about what the information is saying (does the information have bias, who is backing the research, what factors play into how the information is being swayed) should be the primary focus in so many areas of our lives but it is often met with silence or not even a second thought.
I do not think that people often think critically about things that show up in their daily lives. What a different life we would live if people paused to ponder and think deeply about how things show up in the world and how they relate to the world on a daily basis.
One book that I read years ago that always sticks out in my mind when it comes to thinking critically is, “Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxicity of Everyday Life Affects Our Health.” It still is one of the best books I have ever read that really got me thinking critically about how the products we use each and every day are made of and how that affects our health and environment. I question if everyone read this book and thought critically about the research findings if industry and government would still be allowed to put those chemicals into products we use each and everyday.
The problem with things like this is that until someone raises awareness of issues people often do not think critically about it. They do not give a second thought to what their frying pans are made of and how those pollutants affect our bodies. Often industry, suppresses these voices so that this information is not available to the masses unless someone specifically goes looking for it.
We have an abundance of opportunities each and every day to pause, ponder and question what is going on around us to think deeply and critically about things. Yet so often we do not. What if you took some time this week to sit, ponder and think deeply about something. Maybe it is the cleaning products in your house, do you know what is in them? Do they have cancer causing chemicals? What about the beauty products you put on each and every day? Are there neurotoxins in your shampoo and conditioners?
If you do not know you can find out. I highly suggest downloading the YUKA app. It is an easy scan that gives you specific details of the chemicals in your foods and beauty products and the safety research behind each ingredient. It really is a game changing app to use to be more mindful of the products you are bringing into your home and putting into your body.
I hope you have an amazing week to really ponder, think deeply about the world and open your eyes to making healthier more mindful changes to your life. Take the time to think critically and truly evaluate what you allow in your life and surroundings and see how life begins to shift.