Surround Yourself With Positivity

So much of what shows up in our lives is connected to what we surround ourselves with. If you surround yourself with people who look at the world through the lens of pessimism then it will rub off on you and you will view the world in a very similar way. If you want positive outcomes in your life then you need to surround yourself with people that help you grow into a positive healed version of yourself.
You know the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” well your upbringing has a huge impact on what you learned about the world and if you were surrounded by positivity or not. I know, as a teacher there have been so many times I have had students in my class and really wondered about them, then I met their parents and everything made sense. As parents, we model how we show up in the world to our kids. If we show up in a miserable mood and looking for the negatives in something we will find it. The same is true when we begin to look for the positives and what we have to be grateful for. If you are a parent begin to notice how you show up and what you are surrounding your children with. As our childhood wounds tend to follow us through life.
The hard thing is our brains are wired for the negative so we need to make a conscious effort to rewire them for the positive. One of the first steps to just be aware of your thoughts. When you catch yourself focusing on the negative make an effort to try to see the positives in the situation. At the beginning and end of the day take a few moments to focus on the positives in your life. Eventually you can retrain your brain to see the wonderful aspects of your life and not be so hyper focused on the negativity.
There are many benefits to surrounding yourself with positivity, it can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being and overall mental health. It has the power to help you reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a relaxed and peaceful mindset. It can also increase your resiliency because when you are surrounded by positivity you are more likely to have the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges.
There are an abundance of ways that you can surround yourself with positivity. It can be as simple as listening to podcasts that are uplifting and supportive. You can decorate your space with pieces that remind you of the positive aspects of life. One day when I was really struggling I bought a throw pillow that says “Life is Beautiful” just as a little reminder to myself that even in my darkest days there is beauty if you choose to see it. You can schedule time to do activities that bring you joy and do it often. If you do not have a gratitude practice start one. Another way to surround yourself with positivity is to learn to set healthy boundaries with your time and to limit your exposure to negative influences which protects your mental and emotional wellness.
This week I challenge you to take a look at your life and take note of ways that you can surround yourself with more positivity. Can you buy or make something for your space that is a daily reminder of the good in your life. Or make a date with a friend who really uplifts you. Or schedule some time to do something you truly love. Even just spend an hour listening to a podcast that will empower you. Whatever it is, make a commitment to yourself this week to surround yourself with as much positivity as possible.