Abundance of Inspiration

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut? I find for myself that I go through waves of inspiration. There are times when I am super motivated and excited and others where I feel like what is the point of this. I can get really down on myself and feel like the work I am doing is pointless. Usually when I start to feel this way I struggle to get motivated with my writing and my art, I tend to binge watch TV and mindlessly scroll social media then I feel worse about the time I wasted.
I was literally feeling this way through the last month, then a connection of mine reached out that I had not heard from in a while wanting to catch up and reconnect. She had written a chapter in a collaborative book I facilitated. So we set up a zoom meeting to reconnect and catch up and it was exactly what I needed.
From her perspective I had been working so hard and doing such amazing work that I had been putting out to the world. She commented on loving reading the blog entries I had been writing and emailing each week and that she looked forward to them. She also commented on how she loved listening to my videos and that I have such a calming voice.
I told her that she absolutely made my whole month because I had been really struggling with feeling motivated to continue writing and putting out videos because I felt like they were not making any impact. Yet little did I know without her telling me they were inspiring her and doing exactly what I had hoped they would do for others. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies when it comes to feeling confident in the work we are doing. Inspiration is so great when it hits, but often it is the courage to continue on when times feel dull and you begin to question yourself.
It is funny how social media portrays things and how you can watch other people and think man they are killing it, yet they may be feeling like I was feeling before my friend reached out. I was watching her and feeling like wow she is really doing amazing work, getting herself out there and following her dreams. Little did I know she was watching me feeling the same way. In my own head though I was having doubts.
The beautiful thing about inspiration is that it can come from anywhere. When you begin to feel stuck in a rut often it is the little things that set you back on track again and lift you up and inspire you to keep going. My inspiration this month came from my dear friend Amy who runs Lotus Mind Learning, former teacher turned mindfulness and yoga guru. I am so grateful for her reaching out and giving me the inspiration I needed to pick myself up and keep writing and creating.
When we approach life we feel more alive when we are doing something that inspires us. The key is though to keep going when things get tough. Look to those that inspire you and tell them they are inspiring you. You telling them might be the pick up they need in that moment to just keep going.
This week I challenge you to take some steps to do what you feel inspired to do. If you have been doing that and are feeling a little stuck reach out to someone who inspires you and tell them be the person that makes anothers day just by telling them how inspired you are by them. I guarantee it will light up your week.