Abundance of Opportunities to Learn
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Abundance of Opportunities to Learn

We live in a time where there are unlimited opportunities to learn and grow. At our fingertips we have computers (our cell phones) that are more powerful than the most powerful computer in the world forty years ago. Our phones are literally beaming with potential learning opportunities yet very few of us take advantage of…

Making Connections
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Making Connections

Making connections is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. When we look at the importance of connection we begin to see how it helps us combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Loneliness and isolation have been proven to have detrimental effects on our mental health. Which is why connection is…

Life is Like a Garden
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Life is Like a Garden

Life is like a garden, I contemplated to myself as I weeded and planted my garden this past weekend. I love to garden. Gardening helps me get centered and calm. It allows me to connect to my inner-self and just enjoy the moment of digging in the dirt and seeing the efforts of my labor grow into something beautiful. Before the garden flourishes, it is necessary to spend time weeding, replenishing the dirt and mindfully placing the plants in places they will naturally flourish.