Connecting with Role Models
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Connecting with Role Models

It is so fitting that my topic for this week happen is connecting with role models, when I literally just finished a cohort with Lola’s Collective about connecting with others to be a mentor. I was asked a few months ago if I would like to be a mentor for this program that was focusing…

Abundance of Perspectives
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Abundance of Perspectives

You know the saying, “two heads are better than one!” There is a lot of truth to this even if you are the type of person who prefers to work alone. I know for myself, I often prefer to work alone but I see the benefit of collaborating with others. We benefit so much from…

Abundance of Affirmations
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Abundance of Affirmations

What we tell ourselves over and over again becomes true for us. If you tell yourself you suck at something then you will continue to suck at whatever it was that you were complaining about. Our inner narrative has so much power over our behaviours that we subconsciously continue the same narrative over and over…

Making Connections
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Making Connections

Making connections is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. When we look at the importance of connection we begin to see how it helps us combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Loneliness and isolation have been proven to have detrimental effects on our mental health. Which is why connection is…