Opportunities for Self Care
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Opportunities for Self Care

When you think of ‘Self Care’ what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I think we have been programmed to believe that ‘Self Care’ is a day at the spa where you are completely pampered. ‘Self Care’ is not spa days and pedicures (while it can be sometimes). There are an abundance…

Opportunities to Embrace Change
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Opportunities to Embrace Change

One of the only guarantees in life is that things will change. Although Benjamin Franklin said, “the only two sure things in life are death and taxes,” I think we are more guaranteed that things will change. When you look at how fast the world is currently shifting and changing, almost everywhere in all parts of my world I…

Abundance of Hobbies
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Abundance of Hobbies

When looking through the lens of abundance in our lives we often overlook the abundance of hobbies that we have the opportunity to participate in if we so choose. Often, if we find ourselves in a rut, you will notice that you have not been spending time doing the hobbies that you once enjoyed. Ensuring…

Abundance of Opportunities for Positive Self Talk
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Abundance of Opportunities for Positive Self Talk

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t… you’re right,” (Henry Ford). This statement is such a powerful one when you begin to look at your self-talk. What we think and tell ourselves about ourselves becomes true for us. So it is really important to be conscious of what you are saying to…

Abundance of Opportunities for Healthy Eating
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Abundance of Opportunities for Healthy Eating

Are you mindful of what you eat? Are there times when you subconsciously eat foods that you really should not eat? Do you know what you should eat to nourish your body? It is funny, when I ask kids about nutrition they know what they should be eating but often will admit that they are…

Abundance of Opportunities for A Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit
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Abundance of Opportunities for A Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit

How often do you think about your health? If you are generally healthy you probably do not think too much about being healthy. It is when our health takes a turn for the worst that we truly realize how lucky we are to be healthy the majority of the time. When you are sick often…

Opportunities for Generosity
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Opportunities for Generosity

How often do you think about being generous? When you think about generosity and being generous what do you think of? Do you immediately think of certain times of the year or about giving money to a cause that you think is worthy? We actually have an abundance of opportunities to be generous and many…

Opportunities to Focus on a Growth Mindset
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Opportunities to Focus on a Growth Mindset

Do you ever think about your mindset? Have you ever thought to teach your kids about how powerful their mindset is? Our mindset literally affects everything we do and how we see the world. We have an abundance of opportunities in our daily lives to focus on a growth mindset if we choose to. There…

An Abundance of Opportunities for Kindness
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An Abundance of Opportunities for Kindness

One thing we always have an opportunity to do is to spread kindness. Yet we often forget how important spending an extra moment or two can be to others, especially if they are having a bad day. Have you ever been at the drive through and had the person ahead of you pay for your…

Abundance of Thoughts
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Abundance of Thoughts

It is estimated that the average person can have tens of thousands of thoughts per day. No wonder we feel exhausted by all of the mental stimulus going on all of the time. Many of those ten thousand plus thoughts are subconscious because they are part of your daily habits. Bob Proctor talked about how…