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Benefits of Visualization

Have you ever tried visualization? It is something that I have toyed with for many years. The first time I was ever introduced to the power of visualization was when I was a child. I was in synchronized swimming and our coaches would have us listen to the music for our routines and visualize each move. They spoke about the power of visualization and how it was used with olympic athletes and even though I was not really buying into what they were saying it obviously stuck with me to this day. (I think I was in grade 6 at the time and am now over 40).

The next time I used visualization was years later and it almost became an obsession for me for a month or so. I was trying to learn to do a 360 on my wakeboard behind the boat. I had spent hours and hours trying to learn to do it and constantly was face planting or bailing but I was very determined to learn how to do it so I kept trying. I became so obsessed with learning how to do it that I would visualize myself completing it even when I was not in the water. I would even dream about sticking the landing and eventually I finally did. It was the first time I ever really embodied practicing visualization constantly until what I wanted came to fruition.

Over the years I have forgot about the power of visualization then been reintroduced to it again and each time that I truly embody it and feel myself completing it with every cell of my being, eventually it comes true. The next time I really focused on visualization was during my divorce. It was a very high conflict divorce and all I could think about was having enough money to pay off my car and put a downpayment on a house.

Even on the hardest days when it felt like things would never get solved I kept visualizing what it would feel like to have the money to pay off my car and put the downpayment on my house. About eight months after separating I had the documents I needed to do exactly that. I cried so hard to my aunt because they had let me and my toddler live with them for free while I dealt with the lawyers and sorted everything and I had basically to the penny what I needed. I attribute it all to the power of visualization.

I know a lot of mindfulness gurus talk about visualizing and how powerful it can be. When people visualize and it doesn’t work out they immediately think that it doesn’t work at all. For me, it has only worked when I truly embody the visualization with literally all of my energy and focus. Have you ever visualized with literally all of your intention and focus for months on end without doubting and truly feeling the feeling you will feel when you get there? Truly embodying it completely, seems to be the key to allowing the flow of the universe to bring your visualization to fruition.

What is something you would really love to bring into your life? Try consistent visualization and embodying the feeling with every cell in your body on a consistent basis and see what unfolds for you.

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