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Expect Abundance

What do you expect to show up in your life each and every day? Are you intentional about looking ahead with positivity? Learning to train your mind to look ahead for the abundance that is all around you is really a mindfulness practice connected to gratitude. We each choose to look at the world through a certain lens. If we are conscious of our thoughts and thought patterns we can begin to cultivate an attitude of openness, positivity and presence that allows our minds to focus on the true abundance that surrounds us each and every day.

One of the most powerful practices to begin to train your brain to see the abundance all around you is having a gratitude practice that focuses on being grateful for the abundance you already have in your life at this moment. Being grateful for the small things in life helps you begin to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance in a genuine and meaningful way. It helps to train your brain for expecting good things to come because you are already surrounded by so many good things.

Are you aware of the thoughts that constantly flow through your mind? Begin to be aware of the thoughts. When you notice your mind drifting into a lacking mindset use a mantra or affirmation to consciously bring your attention back to the abundance currently surrounding you. One mantra you could try is, “I am open to and grateful for receiving all of the good things life has to offer.” Then take a few moments to really visualize what that openness looks like and feels like with every cell in your body and repeat this mantra multiple times a day.

Visualization is a technique that helps train your mind to look at head with optimism. If you can take a moment each morning and visualize your day, then send love ahead to each place you will visit and person you will meet along the way. Your day may not turn out exactly how you visualized, however, doing a visualization activity each morning really can set your day up for being conscious of sending positivity and love ahead to each interaction that you face along the way. How we see things becomes true for us.

One of the things people tend to get stuck on and I know I do too is focusing too much on wanting specific outcomes, instead of being present in the moment and learning to enjoy the journey that you are on. Learn to set intentions about how you want to feel and live rather than I want a specific car or house. When you focus on how you feel and it allows space for abundance to manifest in unexpected ways. Releasing attachment to specific outcomes is definitely a journey, mindfulness teaches us to stay in the present moment and trust the process while remaining open to whatever shows up.

How do you want to feel today? What can you do to bring those feelings into today or even into this moment. I know for myself when I am struggling it is really hard to reset and not let my mind spiral. Yet, if I am able to get myself up and go to the gym or do some art or some writing I am almost instantly in a better mindset. I know that having an active, intentional life is one of my goals, and that is something I am capable of working on each and every day regardless of what else is showing up.

So what are you going to do today to set yourself up for an intentional day? How can you be intentional about your day every day of this week?

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